Grapefruit, known as “Kshudra Amla” in Charak Samhita, is derived from the fruit of the Citrus paradisi tree and is renowned for its detoxifying and digestive properties, as well as its ability to boost immunity and promote skin health. In Ayurveda, Kshudra Amla (grapefruit) is esteemed for its Rasa (taste) of sourness and Kashaya (astringency), which aids in Agni (digestive fire). This fruit is known to balance Kapha and Pitta doshas, promoting detoxification and enhancing vitality. Its Varnya (complexion-enhancing) properties support skin health, rendering it radiant and clear. Moreover, grapefruit is revered for its ability to stimulate digestion and appetite, while its Sattva (purity) contributes to mental clarity and emotional well-being. Rich in antioxidants, it nourishes the body and combats free radicals, making it a valuable addition to Ayurvedic practices.
Ayurvedic Uses & Benefits of Grapefruit