Honey, known as Madhu in the Charak Samhita, is derived from the nectar of flowers through the industrious work of bees; it is renowned for its Sukshma (fine) and Rasayana (rejuvenating) properties, making it a valuable substance for promoting health, vitality, and skin nourishment. In Ayurveda, honey (Madhu) is revered as a Rasayana, known for its nourishing and rejuvenating qualities. It is said to possess Tridosha balancing properties, effectively pacifying Vata and Kapha doshas while aggravating Pitta. This sweet elixir aids in promoting Agni (digestive fire) and acts as a natural antioxidant, enhancing overall vitality. Honey is also utilized in various formulations to treat ailments, facilitate wound healing, and improve skin health. Its Sneha (unctuous) nature is believed to provide deep nourishment when applied externally. Furthermore, honey’s inherent sattvic qualities make it a preferred substance in Ayurvedic dietary practices. Thus, it holds a significant place in the holistic approach of Ayurveda for promoting health and wellness.
Ayurvedic Uses & Benefits of Honey