Peppermint, derived from the leaves of the Mentha piperita plant, is referred to as “Pudina” in Charak Samhita. Known for its cooling and aromatic properties, peppermint balances the Vata and Kapha doshas while alleviating digestive issues, headaches, and respiratory ailments. Pudina, known as peppermint, is revered in Ayurveda for its aromatic essence and therapeutic virtues. It possesses a Laghu (light) and Ushna (hot) quality, making it effective in pacifying Vata and Kapha doshas. The herb is renowned for its ability to alleviate digestive disturbances, enhance appetite, and relieve respiratory congestion. Its Kaphahara (phlegm-reducing) properties promote clear breathing, while its cooling effect soothes Pitta imbalances. Additionally, Pudina is beneficial for skin ailments and imparts freshness. In essence, this sacred herb is a boon for both bodily and mental well-being.
Ayurvedic Uses & Benefits of Peppermint